Sunday, 1 February 2015

Uninstalling IBM IDS

1     Uninstalling IBM IDS from DMZ Servers


On The Server


  1. Prior to uninstalling the agent, you must first disable agent protection. To do this, open a command prompt and run the following:

    <drive>:\Program Files\[IBM] ISS\Server Protection\rapapp -ap 

Note: It may also reside in Program Files (X86) which is the case on most servers in our environment

Note: If the above command returns an error, contact IT security and request them for the access protection password and then running the following

<drive>:\Program Files\[IBM] ISS\Server Protection\rapapp –ap <password>


  1. Once agent protection is disabled, run the following command from a command prompt to uninstall Host Protection for Windows agent:


<drive>:\Program Files\[IBM] ISS\Server Protection\AgentRemove.exe -full


            An uninstall log will be generated in C:\Windows\AgentRemove.log.



  1. Open the registry and delete the registry keys listed below if they exist:











  1. Open a command prompt and run the following commands to remove the services if they exist:


sc delete VPatch 

sc delete blackice 

sc delete rapapp 

sc delete ibmproventia



  1. Delete the following directories and files if they exist:


\Program Files\ISS\proventia server 








  1. Reboot the server.
    Finally, contact IT security to get the agent removed manually within SiteProtector.


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