Sunday, 1 February 2015

Adding Mail Exchange MX Servers records in DNS

MX records identify mail exchange servers for the domain. These servers are responsible for processing or forwarding mail within the domain. When you create an MX record, you must specify a preference number for the mail server. A preference number is a value from 0 to 65,535 that denotes the mail server's priority within the domain. The mail server with the lowest preference number has the highest priority and is the first to receive mail. If mail delivery fails, the mail server with the next lowest preference number is tried.

You create a MX record by doing the following:

1.     In the DNS console, expand the Forward Lookup Zones folder for the server you want to work with.

2.     Right-click the domain you want to update, and then from the pop-up menu, choose New Mail Exchanger. This opens the dialog box shown in below figure.

3.     You can now create a record for the mail server by filling in these fields:

o    Host Or Domain Enter the optional host name.

o    Mail Server Enter the fully qualified host name.

o    Mail Server Priority Enter a preference number for the host from 0 to 65,535.


Mail servers with the lowest preference number have the highest priority.

Tip Assign preference numbers that leave room for growth. For example, use 10 for your highest priority mail server, 20 for the next, and 30 for the one after that.

4.     Click OK.

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