Sunday, 1 February 2015

Adding Name Servers or NS Records in DNS

Name Server records specify the name servers for the domain. Each primary and secondary name server should be declared through this record. If you obtain secondary name services from an Internet service provider, be sure to insert the appropriate Name Server records.

You create a Name Server record by doing the following:

1. In the DNS console, expand the Forward Lookup Zones folder for the server you want to work with.

2. Display the DNS records for the domain by selecting the domain folder in the tree view.

3. Right-click an existing Name Server record in the view pane, and then select Properties. This opens the Properties dialog box for the domain with the Name Servers tab selected, as shown in below figure.

4. Click Add.

5. In the Server Name field, type the fully qualified host name of the DNS server you're adding.


Configure name servers for the domain through the domain's Properties dialog box.

6. In the IP Address field, type the primary IP address for the server. Click Add. Repeat this process to specify additional IP addresses for the server. The order of the entries determines which IP address is used first. Change the order as necessary using the Up and Down buttons.

7. Click OK. Repeat steps 5–7 to specify other DNS servers for the domain.

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