How to WINRE with SCCM 2012?
SCCM 2012 TS with WINRE?
How can i Create a recovery partition with SCCM Task sequence ?
Step one would be Created normal Task sequence with SCCM R2
Added set TS-Variables for my reference this is not mandatory for this testing
I have changed from 100% to 75%. So that the remaining 25% would be the hidden partition for my recovery.
Then created a Group called “Create Recovery”
Added two steps
1) Restart computer to “The Boot Image assigned to this task sequence”
This is where we are setting-up our things for
In the next step I have included the Powershell script that is copied from my Drive
Now add two more steps to complete the task sequence
Add a restart step to start in Default OS boot option
And final step would be Enable WinRE
This step will add the WinRE to boot menu
Please can you show the steps to add the WinRE to boot menu?