Thursday, 26 March 2015

Packages not showing as installed for few BDP server in ConfigMgr 2007 console

1.Packages not showing as installed for few BDP server in ConfigMgr console \ package status.

After reviewing the Peerdpagent.log (Log file mentioned below) we found that the package is successfully

hosted on the BDP.


Starting PDP Maintenance job for package CEN00044. PeerDPAgent 12/4/2008 9:13:31 PM 6128 (0x17F0)

Raising event:

[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)]

instance of PDPProvisionSuccessEvent


ClientID = "GUID:4549BC12-A20A-4C6E-BF33-56712E4A2E48";

DateTime = "20081204131331.975000+000";

MachineName = "INF-ASDFS3A004";

PackageID = "CEN00019";

ProcessID = 4412;

Share = "D:\\SMSPKGD$\\CEN00019";

SiteCode = "DBN";

SourceVersion = 10;

ThreadID = 4176;


PeerDPAgent 12/4/2008 9:13:31 PM 4176 (0x1050)

Package CEN00044 in state 'Succeeded'. PeerDPAgent 12/4/2008 9:13:41 PM 6128 (0x17F0)


But console still shows the package is waiting to installed on INF-ASDFS3A004. The information which is displayed in the console comes as Status message and in SMS\SCCM status messages are of least priority. But as far as distribution of the packages is considered even if the status message is not showing as installed, clients still receive the package if the package is available in DP. Normally clients will send an location request to the Management point asking for the list of Distribution point. Management point will execute certain SQL commands to get the list of distribution point depending upon the site assignment, whether client falls within the protected DP, etc.. When management point returns lists of DP to clients it will not check whether the status is showing as installed or not. I can assure that the clients will be get package from HKG server without any issue. At this point I suspect there is some kind of delay in status message processing or communication delay.

2. Steps to remediate 'Package will not install on DP' issue

Normally during the course of a package deployment there are some distribution points that fail to load the package. The procedure detailed below can be used successfully to remediate those servers. It can also be used to remediate servers that have lingering files in the SMS\Inboxes\\Incoming

Folder on the site server.


1) Go into the System Status | Package Status node of the SMS Admin console and locate the package you want to be resent. We will need the PackageID and the list of Server Names that failed to load the package.

2) Go back into the Package Properties | Distribution Points and remove the servers that failed to load the package. Monitor the DistMgr.log for the removal instructions and the Sender.log for network traffic. Once the Sender log indicates Sending Completed for the server (or core site) open the DistMgr.log on the destination site and monitor the removal. The destination site will send a status message to the originating site indicating the success of the package removal.

3) Once that status message has been received by the FDS site, we will need to update the database in order to resend the package again. NOTE: Skipping this step will cause the package NOT to beresent.

4) Open the SQL Management console and execute a New Query. This action causes the database to be reset indicating it has never sent the package to the child site. We need to run this query for each server that is in the list that failed to load the package. The query we want to execute is:

UPDATE PkgStatus SET SourceVersion = 0, Status = 2 WHERE Id = '<Package ID>' and PkgServer =

'<Name of the server>'

5) Add the Distribution Point back to the package using the SMS Admin Console from the FDS site.

6) Monitor the DistMgr.Log and Sender.Log on the FDS site to verify the package is resent to the failed server.

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